Cleaning your hardwood flooring regularly is the perfect approach to ensure that it lasts a very long time. However, there is absolutely no one size fits all solution to cleanup different pieces of your property. Are you trying to find the ideal way to wash your hardwood floors? Some suggest using white vinegar mixed with water as a cheap, simple way to keep your floors looking great. Employing white vinegar and water is one of the more economical (and cheaper) methods you can utilize to keep your floors clean and your home chemical-free.
Great for Many Floors, Including Wood
Vinegar and water have long been considered one of the healthier choices for cleaning. It's inexpensive, safe for the environment, and does a good job cleaning lots of items of your property. Recall that when cleaning your wood floors, you are actually cleaning the finish that seals the wood. As such, it's necessary to wash with a gentle, non-toxic cleanser. Leave the Murphy's Oil Soap, Bleach, Dish Soap and other dulling goods to another surface. Your lovely hardwood floors deserve better!
How to Clean Hardwood Floors

While seeking an efficient way to clean your hardwood flooring, it's very important to keep these tips in mind. Prepare your flooring by sweeping or dust-mopping it in order to rid of particles of debris. Use a cleaner that is pH neutral or near it -- your cleaning methods won't speed up the process of the end breaking down (which is unavoidable over the course of many decades of wear and tear), but you need to be cautious in your maintenance of your flooring. Wash the floor in small sections so the liquid doesn't seep in and cause warping or swelling, and be sure to put your cleaning solution in a spray bottle, to spray pieces at a time, and then mop with a microfiber mop. Leave little to no excess water! Your best cleaning solutions are of the following: one gallon of warm water, to a cup of white vinegar. Adding 5-10 drops of your favourite essential oils, such as lemon grasslavender or lavender, really are a lovely green alternative- and they have antimicrobial traits!
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